Wednesday 1 February 2012


New of the world works




City Project

Final Plan- Top view

Concept Art

City final piece


chess pieces works

A) statue with colour

From left - Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen and King

B) Symbolic stencil works

From left - Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen and King


Graphic works blood lvl table

merging two different tables

Blood lvl recording and keys

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Works for chess pieces

Chess pieces design for chess game.

1- Plates works + tests

a) 3x3 square box inside of circle rings and six small spots as each chesspieces.

b) same as 'a' 3x3 grid with 6 spot

c) 16 spots shows each player start game with 16 pieces.


To design chess pieces, I wanted design simple shape of plate and relationship to game and actual pieces, 3x3 grids with 9 spaces works better then other grids but its not good enough to show hole principle of chess game.